Saturday, October 17, 2009

Natural Patterns

Here Are some of the natural patterns that I chose to investigate, these patterns all occur naturally, but can all be mapped geometrically

The first pattern that I choose to investigate and draw was the peacock feather, most people when a peacock feather is talked about is think of the iconic "eye" but i looked at the pattern that was created when the feather lay naturally on the males back

Once I had drawn the the pattern, I noticed a wave effect that but there was no real pattern that i could use, the only thing striking about this pattern is the colour and i knew i could transfer that onto the lazer cut

The next pattern I looked at was the spider web but I again specified the pattern to spider webs with dew on them as this altered the pattern and made it more interesting, Then I dew the pattern, still not using Autocad as I felt that i could understand the image more. but this time the spider web felt like it was already to complicated to adapt

The second to last Pattern i looked at was oil because it is on of the most fascinating naturally occurring mediums as the pattern is always evolving and changing colour, but this was impossible to draw

The last and final pattern that I investigated was the beehive, this is one of the strongest structures, and is actually used in the construction of planes under the name "Aeroweb", when i drew this pattern I knew that I could develop it much more, so I imported it to Autocad, and re-drew the lines and played this the origination of the structure and came up with a pattern that when view from different angles creates its own individual pattern

The final Lazer Cut pattern and video will be added soon
(video is be pattern spinning)



